Gina gives a talk at the SNL 2023 meeting in Marseille

Gina gave a talk titled, "The Potential and Limitations of Large Language Models for Understanding Predictive Language Processing," at the 15th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language held in Marseille, France. The symposium was organized by Shailee Jain and covered the topic, "Can we investigate linguistic modularity in the brain with non-modular NLP systems?"

In addition to this talk, our lab was represented at a slide session talk and a poster session: 
Slide session talk:  Intracranial EEG reveals simultaneous encoding of pre-activated and currently processed information during language comprehension [Abstract]
(Lin Wang, Benchi Wang, Ole Jensen, Gina Kuperberg)
Poster: Contextual Facilitation in Language Comprehension: Insights from a Unified Predictive Coding Framework. [Abstract] [Poster
(Samer Nour Eddine, Trevor Brothers, Lin Wang, Gina Kuperberg)