
Welcome to Kristina Fanucci!

Welcome to Kristina Fanucci who is starting as a Research Assistant at Tufts and MGH. Kristina majored in Brain and Cognitive Sciences at MIT. She will be working on ERP and fMRI studies at both Tufts...

Congratulations to Gina!

Gina learned that she won an Award from 'Brain Research' for most cited of all articles published in this journal in 2007 and 2008. Article: Kuperberg, GR. Neural mechanisms of language comprehension...

Welcome to Scott Burns!

Welcome to Scott Burns who is joining the MGH side of the lab. Scott comes from Washington University in St. Louis where he completed a Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering where he worked on...

Gina gives a talk!

Gina gives a talk at the Centre for Research on Language, Mind and Brain, McGill University, Montreal, as part of their Distinguished Lecture Series. Her talk is entitled "Streams of Language...

Congrats to Neil Cohn!

Neil Cohn defends his Masters Thesis, "Balancing Grammar and Semantics in 'Comics': Global Structure in Sequential Image Processing". His advisers are Ray Jackendoff, Gina Kuperberg and Phil Holcomb.


Martin Paczynski, Neil Cohn and Ming Xiang present posters at CUNY, held in New York City.