Neil Cohn, Martin Paczynski, Ray Jackendoff, Phil Holcomb, and Gina Kuperberg have had their paper, "Structure and meaning in sequential image comprehension" accepted for publication in Cognitive...
Simona Temereanca, Matti S. Hamalainen, Gina Kuperberg, Steve M. Stufflebeam, Eric Halgren, and Emery N. Brown have had their paper "Eye movements modulate the spatiotemporal dynamics of word...
Gina gives a talk at the Neuroscience Seminar Series, University of Illinois. "What can the study of language tell us about thought in schizophrenia: Insights from Spatiotemporal neuroimaging".
Trevor Blackford, Phil Holcomb, Jonathan Grainger and Gina Kuperberg have had their paper, "A funny thing happened on the way to articulation: N400 attenuation despite behavioral interference in...
Ellen Lau presents a poster, "The effect of prediction on the N400: MEG evidence for a left anterior temporal generator," at the Annual Neurobiology of Language Conference in Annapolis, MD.