Neil Cohn defends his Masters Thesis, "Balancing Grammar and Semantics in 'Comics': Global Structure in Sequential Image Processing". His advisers are Ray Jackendoff, Gina Kuperberg and Phil Holcomb.
Sophie De Grauwe, Abigail Swain, Phil Holcomb, Tali Ditman and Gina Kuperberg have had their paper, "Electrophysiological insights into the processing of nominal metaphors" accepted for publication in...
Gina gives a talk at a workshop on Language-Valence Interactions, organized by Daniel Casasanto and Jos van Berkum at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Her...
Gina has had a pair of articles accepted for publication in Language and Linguistic Compass: 'Language in schizophrenia Part 1: an Introduction' and 'Language in schizophrenia Part 2: What can...