Candida Jane Maria Ustine, M.Eng. (Research Tech, 2011-2014)

Candida Jane Maria Ustine, M.Eng. (Research Tech, 2011-2014)
Candida's research interests include Medical Image Analysis, Neuroimaging and Neurolinguistics. She graduated from Cornell University with a Master of Engineering in Electrical and Computer Engineering, working with Dr. Anthony Reeves to develop an automated system for body surface segmentation to aid in needle guided biopsies. After graduation, she worked with Dr. Eric Olson from SUNY Upstate Medical University on a Research project studying dendritic genesis, migration and orientation of cortical neurons in prenatal mice under the influence of protein Reelin. During her time as a research assistant in the NeuroCognition Lab at Mass. General and Tufts, from 2011-2014, she worked on a number of MEG and fMRI projects examining semantic prediction in the brain, together with Ellen Lau and Kirsten Weber. She then went on to become a MEG Engineer to continue her work with MEG at the Medical College of Wisconsin and Froedtert Hospital.