Edward (Ted) Alexander, PhD
Graduate Student
Dept. Psychology and Cognitive Science Program, Tufts University

Edward (Ted) Alexander, PhD
Graduate Student
Dept. Psychology and Cognitive Science Program, Tufts University
Ted joined the lab in 2015. His research interests include the development of effective reading strategies, violations of expectations, and multimodal perception. He graduated from Hampshire College with a Concentration in Cognitive Science, working with Dr. Joanna Morris to study the effects of typeface on word perception. After graduation, he worked with Dr. William Graves at Rutgers on a project studying neural correlates of language deficits in aphasia. In the NeuroCognition Lab, Ted is working with Dr. Kuperberg and Dr. Einat Shetreet to examine the roles of factives and negation in sentence-level prediction.
- PhD conferred 2024