Lab News

Congrats to Neil Cohn!

Neil Cohn defends his Masters Thesis, "Balancing Grammar and Semantics in 'Comics': Global Structure in Sequential Image Processing". His advisers are Ray Jackendoff, Gina Kuperberg and Phil Holcomb.


Martin Paczynski, Neil Cohn and Ming Xiang present posters at CUNY, held in New York City.

Congratulations to Gina!

Gina has had a pair of articles accepted for publication in Language and Linguistic Compass: 'Language in schizophrenia Part 1: an Introduction' and 'Language in schizophrenia Part 2: What can...


Martin Paczynski, Trevor Blackford and Tali Ditman present posters at Psychonomics which was in Boston this year.

Goodbye to Suiping Wang!

Goodbye to Suiping Wang who is returning to China after her year's sabbatical with us. We will miss her in the lab, but we look forward to continue working with her to see through her project...

Gina gives a talk!

Gina gives a talk at the Center for Research in Language, at the University of California, San Diego, entitled "What can ERPs and fMRI tell us about language comprehension?"