
Congratulations to Gina Kuperberg!

Gina Kuperberg has had her paper, "Separate streams or probabilistic inference? What the N400 can tell us about the comprehension of events", accepted for publication in Language, Cognition &...

Congratulations to Rósa Gísladóttir!

Congratulations to Rósa Gísladóttir from the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, who defended her PhD thesis, "Conversation electrified: The electrophysiology of...

Goodbye and Good Luck to Einat Shetreet

Goodbye and good luck to Einat Shetreet, who, after 2 years as a post-doc in the Kuperberg lab, accepted a faculty position in the Deparment of Linguistics and Sagol School of Neuroscience at Tel Aviv...

Welcome Tufts Undergraduates!

With the beginning of a new semester, welcome to several Tufts undergraduates who are joining and returning to our lab: Simone Riley, Hannah Levin, Barbara Storch, and Sarah Perlo.

Welcome to Bram Vandekerckhove!

Welcome to Bram Vandekerckhove who is joining our lab as a new Post-Doc. He comes from the Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford where he worked with Kate Nation, Stephen...