Gina gives a talk at the Center for Research in Language, at the University of California, San Diego, entitled "What can ERPs and fMRI tell us about language comprehension?"
Welcome to Eva Wittenberg who has joined the lab as a visiting scholar, funded by a scholarship provided by the European Recovery Program and administered by the German National Academic Foundation...
Gina speaks at The Annual NARSAD Scientific Symposium, Boston, MA. Her talk is entitled "The Cognitive Neuroscience of Language and Thought in Schizophrenia".
Welcome to Ellen Lau who has joined as a postdoc, coming from the University of Maryland where she completed her PhD with Colin Phillips and David Poeppel. Ellen will be working closely with Matti...
Welcome to Nate Delaney-Busch, coming from the University of California Davis, who has joined as a new graduate student. Nate has been carrying out neuroendocrinology research in prairie voles. This...
Congratulations to Martin Paczynski who defended his Masters thesis, "Event-Related Potential Evidence for Use of Animacy Hierarchy, but not Thematic Role Type, in the Processing of Direct Object...
Goodbye and thank you to Arim Choi and Abigail Swain who have been research coordinators in the lab over the past two years. Arim will be a graduate student in Communication Sciences and Disorders at...
Gina speaks at a symposium organized by Jeff Zacks, "New Findings in the Neuroscience of Discourse." at the Society for Text and Discourse Nineteenth Annual Meeting, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Her...
Gina Kuperberg, Arim Choi, Neil Cohn, Martin Paczynski, and Ray Jackendoff have had their paper, "Electrophysiological correlates of complement coercion," accepted for publication in the Journal of...