Nate Delaney-Busch gave a talk at the 39th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society in London, UK. The title of his talk was "Comprehenders rationally adapt semantic predictions to the...
Gina is director of the first week of the Kavli Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of California, Santa Barbara. The theme of the week is "Computational perspectives on...
Thank you to Marty Shenton and Zora Kikinis for hosting Gina's visit to the Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory at the Brigham and Women's Hospital, where she gave an invited talk, "Neurocognition in...
Thank you to Jesse Snedeker and Jayden Ziegler for hosting Gina's visit to the Language Development Lab at Harvard University as part of the Language and Cognition symposium series. Her talk was...
The NeuroCognition Lab is very excited to welcome a new member! Thomas Dube was born on the morning of April 17th. Congratulations to Meredith and Cam! See here for photos of Thomas and of Meredith at...
Thank you to Fumiko Hoeft, Jason Zevin and Roeland Hancock for organizing a great symposium, "Biological and environmental factors that impact multilingual/literacy acquisition", in San Francisco...
Edward Alexander, Eddie Wlotko and Gina Kuperberg presented posters and Lin Wang was an invited speaker at the 24th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society held in San Francisco, CA. The...
Congratulations to Eric Fields who defended his PhD thesis, "ERP and fMRI studies of emotion and self-relevance". Eric's committee members were: Gina Kuperberg, Philip Holcomb, Elizabeth Race, and Jon...
Congratulations to Lotte Schoot who defended her PhD thesis, "Language processing in a conversation context", at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in the Netherlands.