Gina's Talks
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013
- Kuperberg GR. Predictive coding offers a biologically plausible computational framework for implementing language comprehension in the brain. Talk presented at the Tufts Neuroscience Symposium. Boston, MA. November 7, 2024.
- Kuperberg GR. A Call to the Lexicon: Predictive Coding Offers a Biologically Plausible Computational Framework for Implementing Language Comprehension in the Brain. Talk presented at the FoundationsFest Workshop. Vienna, Austria. October 17-18, 2024.
- Kuperberg GR. “Black-box tools” and “Brain-inspired modeling” provide complementary insights into the representations and neural dynamics underlying typical and atypical language processes. Symposium talk presented at 45th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Rotterdam, the Netherlands. July 24-27, 2024.
- Kuperberg GR. The Potential and Limitations of Large Language Models for Understanding Predictive Language Processing. Symposium talk presented at the 15th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language. Marseille, France. October 24-26, 2023.
- Kuperberg, GR. "GPT Reveals Selective Impairments in Global vs. Local Context Use in Speech among Treatment-Naive Patients with Positive Thought Disorder". MGH Psychosis Clinical and Research Seminars. Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA. September 2023.
- Kuperberg, GR. “Beyond description: Predictive coding provides a biologically plausible account of predictive language comprehension.” Neurolinguistics in Sweden Conference. Lund University, Sweden. June 2023.
- Kuperberg, GR. "Teaching across disciplines: Insights from Cognitive Science." Medical Education Seminar & Research Networking Faculty Development Workshop. Gunma University, Gunma, Japan. March 2023.
- Kuperberg, GR. “How the brain comprehends event sequences: A hierarchical generative framework.” Annual Symposium of the Society for Language Development: Event representations in language, learning, and memory. Boston University, Boston, MA. November 2022.
- Kuperberg, GR. “Does predictive coding mediate language comprehension? Evidence from computational modeling and MEG/EEG.” Harvard University Language and Cognition Talk Series (LangCog). Cambridge, MA. [Abstract]
- Kuperberg, GR. "Predicting the future: A computational neuroscience approach for studying typical and atypical language processing.” Conference on the Neurobiology of Language: Key Issues and Ways Forward II, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics. Nijmegen, The Netherlands. March 2022. [Info]
- Kuperberg, GR. “Language, Thought and Communication in Psychosis: A Predictive Coding Framework.” DISCOURSE Inaugural Seminars 2021, DISCOURSE in Psychosis. December 2021. [Talk]
- Kuperberg, GR. “Language, Thought and Communication in Psychosis: A Predictive Coding Framework.” Psychosis Speaker Series. Early Psychosis Intervention Center (EPICENTER), Ohio State University. July 2021. [Talk]
- Kuperberg, GR & Wang, L. "Does hierarchical predictive coding mediate language comprehension? Evidence from computational modeling and MEG/EEG." Leipzig Lectures on Language. Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive & Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany. May 2021. [Website]
- Kuperberg, GR. “Does hierarchical predictive coding mediate language comprehension? Evidence from multimodal neuroimaging.” Exploring the Mind Lecture Series, Center for Mind and Brain at UC Davis. May 2021. [Abstract]
- Kuperberg, GR. “Does hierarchical predictive coding mediate language comprehension? Evidence from multimodal neuroimaging.” Cognitive Science Virtual Colloquium Series. University of Arizona. Tuscon, AZ. November 2020. [Abstract]
- Kuperberg, GR. "Where and when do we predict in the brain during language comprehension? Insights from multimodal neuroimaging studies." Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, Trieste, Italy. December 2019. [Abstract]
- Kuperberg, GR. "How probabilistic is language comprehension in the brain? Insights from multimodal neuroimaging studies." Workshop on Context and Compositionality in Biological and Artificial Neural Systems. 33rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, Vancouver, Canada. December 2019. [Video and Slides]
- Kuperberg, GR. "How rational is the brain? A probabilistic generative framework of language comprehension." Conference on Rational Approaches to Language Science, Saarland University, Saarbrucken, Germany. October 2019. [Abstract]
- Kuperberg, GR. "The Neural Circuitry of Semantic Prediction in Language Comprehension: Evidence from Multimodal Neuroimaging." Centre for Human Brain Health, School of Psychology, University of Birmingham, England. July 2019. [Abstract]
- Kuperberg, GR. "What the brain can tell us about the use of pragmatic information in language comprehension." 8th Annual Experimental Pragmatics Conference, University of Edinburgh, Scotland. June 2019. [Abstract]
- Kuperberg, GR. "A generative framework of language comprehension: Evidence from multimodal neuroimaging studies." Cognition, Brain and Behavior Seminar Series, Department of Psychology, Harvard University. January 2019. [Abstract]
- Kuperberg, GR. "Researching in our Bubbles: Challenges of Communicating within and beyond the Language Sciences." Workshop on Real-World Language: Future Directions in the Science of Communication and the Communication of Science. 40th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, University of Wisconsin, Madison. July 2018.
- Kuperberg, GR. "The neural circuitry of lexico-semantic prediction in language comprehension: Evidence from multimodal neuroimaging." Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language, San Sebastian, Spain. June 2018. [Abstract]
- Kuperberg, GR. "Lexico-semantic prediction in the brain: Computational principles." Prediction Symposium Series, 2018 Workshop on Predictive Processing, Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language, San Sebastian, Spain. June 2018. [Abstract]
- Kuperberg, GR. "What Event-related neural responses can tell us about language comprehension: A dynamic generative framework." 31st Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, UC Davis, CA. March 2018. [Abstract] [Talk]
- Kuperberg, GR. "A probabilistic generative framework of language comprehension: Evidence from multimodal neuroimaging studies." Language & Cognition Workshop, Stanford Humanities Center, Stanford University. October 2017. [Abstract]
- Delaney-Busch N, Morgan E, Lau E, Kuperberg GR. "Comprehenders Rationally Adapt Semantic Predictions to the Statistics of the Local Environment: a Bayesian Model of Trial-by-Trial N400 Amplitudes". 39th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, London, UK. July 2017. [Abstract] [Conference paper]
- Kuperberg, GR, Swaab, T. "From language comprehension to adaptation in the brain." Kavli Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience, University of California, Santa Barbara, June 2017.
- Kuperberg, GR. "What the study of language can tell us about neurocognitive architecture in schizophrenia?" Language & Cognition Symposium Series, Harvard University, April 2017 and Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory , Brigham and Women's Hospital. May 2017. [Abstract]
- Wang L. "Language prediction is supported by coupling between frontal gamma and posterior alpha oscillation." 24th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society. March 2017. [Abstract]
- Kuperberg GR, Wlotko E, Riley S, Zeitlin M, Cunha-Lima ML. "The brain dissociates between different levels of prediction during language comprehension." Psychonomic Society's 57th annual meeting. November 2016. [Abstract]
- Kuperberg, GR. "Language in Schizophrenia: A hierarchical dynamic generative framework." Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences Colloquium, Boston University. November 2016. [Abstract]
- Kuperberg GR. "What the brain tells us about language comprehension A hierarchical generative framework." Department of Linguistics Colloquium, Northwestern University. May 2016. [Abstract]
- Kuperberg GR. "What the brain tells us about language comprehension: A hierarchical generative framework." Department of Psychology Colloquium, University of Pittsburgh. April 2016. [Abstract]
- Kuperberg GR. "When Comprehension is Production: A generative probabilistic approach to explaining language in schizophrenia". European Society for Philosophy and Psychology (ESPP) Conference, University of Tartu, Estonia. July 2015. [Abstract]
- Kuperberg GR. "A hierarchical generative framework of discourse comprehension". Discourse Expectations: Theoretical, Experimental, and Computational Perspectives (DETEC) Conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. June 2015. [Abstract]
- Kuperberg GR. "The Breakdown of predictive coding in schizophrenia: Insights from language". Magnetic Resonance Research Center, Yale University, New Haven, CT. April 2015. [Abstract]
- Abstracts for the Cognitive Neuroscience Symposium, "Prediction, adaptation and plasticity of language processing in the adult brain." The 21st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society. Boston, MA. April 2014.
- Jaeger TF & Kleinschmidt DF. "Efficient language understanding in a variable world: Prediction and adaptation." [Abstract]
- Davis MH. "Predictive mechanisms support rapid adaptation and slow consolidation in learning to understand speech." [Abstract]
- Federmeier KD & Wlotko EW. "Better or worse than Expected? ERPs reveal dynamic modulation of predictive processing mechanisms during language comprehension." [Abstract]
- Kuperberg GR. "Comprehending events in context: Language comprehension is language learning." [Abstract]
- Kuperberg GR. "What can the neural architecture of the language system tell us about schizophrenia...and vice versa?" Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine in Gunma, Japan. March 2014. [Abstract]
- Kuperberg GR. "What can the study of schizophrenia tells us about the neural architecture of the language processing system?" Conference on "Investigating Semantics: How to Combine Empirical and Philosophical Approaches" at Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany. October 2013. [Abstract]
- Kuperberg GR. "The neurobiology of language comprehension: A hierarchical bayesian architecture." Tufts University Cognitive and Brain Sciences Series in Medford, MA. October 2013. [Abstract]
- Kuperberg GR. "Predicting meaning: What the brain tells us about the architecture of language comprehension." Conference of the American Association for Computational Linguistics, Atlanta GA. June 2013. [Abstract]
- Kuperberg GR. "A predictive architecture of language comprehension: Insights from temporal-spatial neuroimaging." Saarbrucken University, Distinguished Lecture Series. June 2013. [Abstract]
- Kuperberg GR. "Where memory meets language: A dynamic neural architecture of language comprehension." 20th Anniversary meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society in San Francisco, CA. April 2013. [Abstract]